Boom! Trump Vows To Investigate Big Pharma

(Republican Leader) – There’s a lot of reasons to be excited about a potential Trump presidency in 2024, but one item on former President Donald Trump’s “Agenda 47” plan that has Americans pumped is his announcement that he will be building a task force to investigate the rise in autism and other issues being found in children, along with measures to ensure Big Pharma is held accountable for any role they might have played in causing these problems plaguing our kids.

“In recent decades, there has been an unexplained and alarming growth in the prevalence of chronic illnesses and health problems especially in children,” the president went on to say in a post published Tuesday on social media.

“We’ve seen a stunning rise in autism, autoimmune disorders, obesity, infertility, serious allergies, and respiratory challenges. It’s time to ask, ‘What is going on?’” the former president continued.

Trump then asked, “is it the food that they eat? The environment that we live in? The over-prescription of certain medications? Is it the toxins and chemicals that are present in our homes?”

The former president pointed out that our country is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to research how to treat the ailments our kids suffer from rather than looking into what might be causing them to begin with. He then noted that he’s well aware of the poisonous relationship between Big Pharma and some government bureaucracies, stating that if he is given another term in the White House he will increase both transparency and accountability.

“If Big Pharma defrauds American patients and taxpayers and puts profits above people, they must be investigated and held accountable,” Trump remarked in the address.

“When I’m back in the White House,” he promised, “I will establish a special presidential commission of independent minds who are not bought and paid for by Big Pharma and I will charge them with investigating what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic illnesses.”

Later in the speech, Trump said that the connections between Big Pharma and chronic illness is a conversation “long overdue.”

“American families must have this conversation, and they must have a leader, a President, who can do something about this problem. And I will do that,” the president asserted during the speech.

Back during the GOP race for the presidential nomination in 2015, Trump articulated his position that vaccines are given to kids too frequently and at too young of an age, saying that these factors could potentially be causing the current rise in autism we’re seeing in the U.S., though he made it clear he still favors vaccines.

“But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time,” he went on to explain, going on to add that his own kids were given vaccines “over a two or three year period of time.”

Trump also shared a story about the child of an employee who became ill after receiving a vaccine.

“We’ve had so many instances, people that work for me. Just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic,” he stated back then.

It’s about time that we start having this conversation. At the end of the day, with rigorous discussion and investigation, it may turn out that vaccines are fine. But we’ll never know one way or the other if we aren’t allowed to have the conversation. And if there really is nothing wrong, why are folks on the left so desperate to shut down open discussion and debate?

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