BREAKING NEWS! POLL: DeSantis Crushes Biden, Kamala, AOC, Hillary, Pelosi In Net Favorability

(Republican Leader) – A new poll has revealed the politicians who Americans favor the most, along with who they view most unfavorably, and on top are two notable figures within the GOP.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis utterly dominated in favorability among Americans. DeSantis is facing reelection this year and is also among those most often talked about for a possible presidential run in 2024.

According to the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, DeSantis has a 6% positive net favorability rating.

The poll found that 34% of those polled had a favorable opinion of DeSantis who has become one of the strongest leaders within the GOP after his outspoken resistance to the radical left and their attempts to destroy American culture and the US altogether.

“Gov. Ron DeSantis is a rare politician in America right now with more voters who like him than dislike him and he is gaining strength in the Republican primary, positioning him to win if Trump does not run and possibly taking him on if he does run,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, according to The Hill.

The poll listed 17 American political figures. Of them, only DeSantis and Republican South Carolina Senator Tim Scott had net favorable opinions, with Scott showing a 3-point margin.

The poll revealed that Americans are, more or less, fed up with the big name, career politicians.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fared horribly with Biden receiving 38% favorable and 54% unfavorable ratings, and a balance of negative 16%. Harris was in the negative by 13% which was tied with Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was among the most unfavorable politicians. Her negatives outweighed her positives by a whopping 19 points.

Beating Clinton, however, is current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who had a staggering 27-point negative rating, which was the worst of the American political figures surveyed.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also fared badly with a net unfavourability score of 13 points while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had a 22-point negative rating.

Penn called the findings “bad news for the incumbents and good news for challengers seeking to tap into American discontent,” according to a news release. “‘Wrong track metrics’ about the direction of the country and the economy are the worst they have ever been in our poll.”

The poll revealed 74% of respondents believe the nation is on the wrong track and only 24% say it’s on the right track.

The economy showed similar sentiments with 71% saying it was on the wrong track and only 21% saying it was going in the right direction. Similarly, 72% said the economy is weak while 28% somehow believe it’s strong.

The poll also found that 71% of those surveyed do not want Biden to run in 2024. Of that group, 45% said he has not been a good president and 30% said he is too old.

The poll also revealed that only 40% of those responding said that Biden is mentally fit to be president.

“President Biden may want to run again but the voters say ‘no’ to the idea of a second term, panning the job he is doing as president. Only 30% of Democrats would even vote for him in a Democratic presidential primary,” Penn said.

The poll found that while DeSantis had the best overall net positive favorability rating, Trump is still the top choice of Republicans in a prospective presidential primary with 56% while DeSantis came in second at 16%. Without Trump, DeSantis topped the list with 36% and former Vice President Mike Pence at 17%.

The biggest takeaway from this poll is that Republicans are dominating in American favorability and that is good news for the upcoming November midterm elections which is sure to be a massive red wave.

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