Rasmussen Reports Survey: Majority Of Americans Want FBI Officials In Russiagate Prosecuted

(Republican Leader) – The vast majority of Americans want to see FBI officials who were involved in the creation and propagation of the Russian collusion hoax against former President Donald Trump held accountable for their actions through prosecution, a sign that a lot of folks in this country are standing behind Trump right now, just as the presidential primary race for the GOP is heating up.

According to Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner, “The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets said that 63% believe that Trump was the target of a Hillary Clinton campaign orchestrated “hit” during the 2016 campaign. Just 30% disagreed.”

The results of the survey come not long after special counsel John Durham released his final report containing his conclusions about the origin of the Russiagate hoax, which revealed that there was a definite scheme in play to try and undermine Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Isn’t that ironic? The left tries to say that Trump was working with Russia to interfere with the election system, but it was the accusers doing it the whole time.

“Trump has long said that his presidency would have been better had he not been dogged by the charges, fueled by an anti-Trump media. In the report, Durham raised serious questions about FBI operations and coordination with the Clinton team to hurt Trump. The survey suggested that Americans want revenge on those involved,” Bedard wrote.

The poll stated that 59 percent of potential voters want to see the individuals within the bureau involved in the scandal “criminally prosecuted.”

As per Durham, Hillary Clinton — who failed to become president not once, but twice, a fact I love repeating over and over again because it’s so utterly delicious — and her campaign were the sources of the claims concerning Trump and so-called Russian collusion, for which there was no actual evidence.

“George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley called the Russian collusion charge against Trump ‘a well-orchestrated hit job by the Clinton campaign and government officials.’ The survey used that language to ask Americans what they thought,” Bedard added.

I say give the American people what they want. For the most part, the majority of individuals who make up our society have a strong sense of right and wrong. They still believe in justice, that holding people accountable for their actions matters. Let’s not destroy that in people by allowing a two-tiered system of justice to continue existing. Prosecute these folks. Immediately.

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